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Harold Furchtgott-Roth
Harold Furchtgott-Roth is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and founder and director of the Center for the Economics of the Internet. He also founded Furchtgott-Roth Economic Enterprises, an economic consulting firm, in 2003. He is the author or coauthor of four books and frequently comments on issues related to the communications sector of the economy.
From 1997 through 2001, Mr. Furchtgott-Roth served as a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission. Before his appointment to the FCC, he was chief economist for the House Committee on Commerce and a principal staff member on the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Earlier in his career, he was a senior economist with Economists Incorporated and a research analyst with the Center for Naval Analyses.
He received a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford and an S.B. in economics from MIT.